About the Ann Arbor Pickleball Club
Who We Are
AAPC is simply a group of pickleball players (picklers) who enjoy pickleball, hanging out together, and helping their community!
What We Do
Sometimes it can be hard when you are a pickleball enthusiast to find places to play that aren’t too crowded or even other people to play with. Let’s not even mention the challenge of deciding which paddle to use. LOL
We want to be a wonderful resource to you for all things pickleball so that you can spend less time worrying about logistics and more time doing what it is you actually love to do… PLAY PICKLEBALL!
We all love pickleball, but we also love our communities. So we bring those loves together to improve the communities we live in. AAPC and its members team up with the community and volunteer to help make the community not only more pickleball accessible but better for all the people who live here. Our goal is to make use pickleball as a force for good.
Our community outreach goals are are to
Raise money to get existing courts resurfaced
Raise money for local charities
Improve local parks
Team up with the cities to make the communities better for everyone by volunteering for various needed projects
Help people learn how to play/improve
Our resource page is full of information about how to play, how to choose a paddle, where to play, local tournaments, etc.
Raise money for charities that help those in need
We will be raising money for charity through member events and tournaments
What We Offer
We offer everyone the following
Educational resources
Ideas of where to play
A list of tournaments in the general area
Ideas of where to get equipment
We offer members
Why We Do It
Sometimes it can be hard when you are a pickleball enthusiast to find places to play that aren’t too crowded or even other people to play with. Let’s not even mention the challenge of deciding which paddle to use. LOL
We want to be a wonderful resource to you for all things pickleball so that you can spend less time worrying about logistics and more time doing what it is you actually love to do… PLAY PICKLEBALL!